Thursday, November 4, 2010


So about two weeks ago we get this phone call from Rick's parents saying they were on their way to see us. We were in shock but so excited. We had not seen Rick's Dad in three years or his Mum since she came to help after Simon was born. We decided not tell the kids and let the Grandparents surprise them. It took them a couple of days to get here from Utah so I was dying to tell the kids but I held it in. Rick on the other hand was relishing it all and even had them outside writing notes to Grandma and Grandpa on the driveway saying it was to imagine what they would say to their grandparents if they could see them today! The kids still didn't catch on. It was a sweet moment when they saw their grandparents and even Simon seemed to know he was supposed to love these people instantly. Rachel needed to some warming up though.

We headed to Nauvoo the next day and spent the night there and the day after seeing the sights. We had a wonderful time, we love Nauvoo Illinios, it is an LDS church history site and it has a very special feeling I can't quite explain but I think it has a lot to do with the temple.

Grandma and Grandpa stayed on another night but we had to get back to St Louis. It was a quick trip but I am grateful for those few days and what it meant to our children.

Our children have only seen my parents a few times in their life, Bridgette has only met them once and of course Simon and Rachel have not met them yet so it makes me very happy to have seen them with their Utah grandparents. I have come to realize how important it is for children to have people in their lives besides their parents who adore them or who at least take an interest in them.

Here are some pictures of the Nauvoo trip. If you ever come this way we would be happy to show you this wonderful place.

1 comment:

HappyDay_KT said...

That's the most wonderful news I've heard this month. I'm so happy for your family!