Sunday, July 25, 2010

5 kids

This photo blew me away, all of these children are mine! How did this happen? I looked at them all and think they are beautiful and can't imagine life without them (I can imagine more sleep perhaps).


Amie Orton said...

love that pic. 5 kids sounds like a lot but then you see the picture of them all together and it doesn't really...

well I used my pampered chef nut chopper you gave me today and thought of you. THANK YOU! See you affected my life in so many ways! It may be the handiest tool in my kitchen. Seriously.



Maggie said...

I'm with you! When I picked up our Christmas card last year at Costco I had to do a double take! My first thought was, "Wow! That's a lot of kids!" And this year there will be one more! What a wonderful blessing! I'm with you with the sleep thing too, though!

Amy D. said...

Oh, good luck with the sleep bit! They are a great group of kids! We loved seeing you last weekend. Sigh. Thanks for a great time!