Simon has been sick with a cold that became an ear infection and then a double ear infection as he didn't respond to the antibiotics. I have had just a few minutes here and there to do all the things I need to get done before Simon has to be held again. The one great thing is that he loves to be outside. I put him in the wagon and we go out into the backyard and he watches me garden. So even though the house is not the cleanest right now my yard is looking better than ever. Plus he loves the stroller so I have been walking everyday just to give us both a little peace and quiet. I had forgotten how the days run together with a baby and that a lot of it is done sleep deprived but I love it. I wish I had been as understanding with the older three, oh well, hopefully they are not too damaged! Here's hoping this new antibiotic does the trick and life can return to whatever normal is, at least before the neighborhood pool opens this weekend.
Bring on Summer. We can't wait for water guns, barbeques, swim team, movies, campouts, sleeping in and most importantly no homework!